What doesn’t kill you makes you duckstack

You might be wondering, what’s a Duckstack? But I urge you to ignore this question in favor of one far more salient: What’s a Duckstack for?
Well. Imagine you live on a series of islands, broken up by a series of ponds. These islands are poor in natural resources, such as stone and wood, and you have to adapt, developing novel building materials and methods using the local fauna. By placing a row of ducks staggered upon a row of other ducks, you can easily1 build a sort of igloo out of ducks. This creates extremely efficient shelter, since duck feathers are hydrophobic, meaning rain slides off the ducks like water off a duck’s back.
I think the only problem for this would be feeding (bribing) them to not fly off with your house or something, but I’m certain by the time people are trying this at a large scale it will be a solved problem. Look at it this way: Its cheaper than a mortgage.2
Blank Checks
If you share this Duckstack with someone they owe you a million dollars
There’s a lib canard that goes like “check your privilege”, which is an accusation that you don’t actually believe something because you’ve never actually tested that belief. So like, a rich person would in that system not be allowed to say “here’s how to stop being poor”, because the rich person has never actually been poor, or stopped being poor in any meaningful sense. Which is obviously true- but the “therefore, they would have bad advice” part does not logically follow.
And then leftists use the same incantation to open their struggle sessions- “I just want to start off by acknowledging that I speak from a position of privilege”. They’re invoking the name of one of the deities in their pantheon, of course. Its a compliance signal and sets the tone by performatively going through the task you want everyone else to go through, which is free for you (because communists are shameless) and expensive for everyone else (who has values). And I have been thinking, there is a difference in kind between this sort of self-disavowal and humility3.
I’ve long said that self deprecation is the devil’s counterfeit for humility. I think the difference is respect. When you self deprecate, its because you don’t trust people to “get the message” that you don’t want them to think you are a threat4. So its less a form of communication and more a form of manipulation.
But it does seem to me like there should be a righteous form of “checking your privilege”, an attitude that instead of trying to appear small leads you to become a better steward, with greater respect towards yourself, others, and your inheritance. A greater push towards the nameless latter-day saint virtue of conscientiousness. An awareness of where you came from seems important for anyone of any position and status, so much so that many will have to fake it.
There’s the saying that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it, and its kind of the same thing here, those who don’t know where they came from will have difficulty holding on to what they’ve got. So humility, I think, is a sort of awareness about this and and honesty about it, neither too humble [sic] or too boisterous. When you aren’t humble but pretend to be, that is called lying, but when you aren’t humble but try to be, that is called integrity.
This week has been very hectic with hospital things and I didn’t write down most of the cute things Jethro or the other one said.
Jethro, in the hospital, screaming incoherently, still groggy from sleep: “Texas sheet cake! Where are you!”
Mama was on the toilet and the toddler came in, and in his broken grammar told her: “A messy egg. I need a paper.” and ran off with her toilet paper. To his credit he did a great job cleaning up the egg he smashed.
Duckstack Cooking: noodle
I don’t know what its called
Here is something that I like to make. Its very easy, because you buy all the ingredients at the store5. You go and get some storebought alfredo sauce, at random, and then you get some storebought sausage links, also at random. These come in lots and lots of flavors and I really never kept track of which ones are good, so if you try this and get a bad combination I’m sorry.
Fill a pot with water and break a bunch of noodles into it, probably halves or thirds, and cook the noodles down to however cooked noodles are supposed to be6. While you’re doing this caramelize onions, and cut the sausage links into slices and cook them however the sausage says on the package, usually “boil in water, kind of”.
Then you strain the noodles7, toss them in a pan, toss the meat in the pan, toss the onions in the pan, and cover it with your storebought alfredo mystery. You are done. Hopefully it was good.
assuming nothing goes wrong
A duckstack, after all, only costs one cent.
Christian humility, for instance, does not demand you become communist
Thus, predators will be among the highest users of self-deprecative rhetoric
as opposed to conjuring them, with magic.
Like a normal person.
a subject of great strife and conflict in our house
with a strainer, not your hands
Loved "Texas Sheet Cake, Where are you?" And "Messy egg," toilet paper. And noodles dish. Good memories!