Class action Duckstack
By our count1, this is the 160th Duckstack. That isn’t really a special number in biblical Kabbalah, but in my opinion, it should be now. Call it “the Duckstack number”. With deep connections in numerology, astrology, and duckstology, the duckstack number traces its origins clear back to ancient modern day America. While not a holy number, it is nevertheless important to duck society, since its the number they stack in. Today.
The Parable of the Thing
Sometimes you just need a parable to illustrate
Lets go with: the parable of the something something to do with another analogy I often use. It was like a sort of saying that’s uncommon but slightly common nevertheless. The analogy connects and shows you a different perspective, which so happens to be something else. It might be true or false, but probably seems important. At least insofar as the context is concerned, which shows stuff for thinking. It really is.
Healthy Relationships
No unnatural preservatives and plenty of leafy greens to make a well balanced meal
One way of categorizing the different Christian denominations is “high church” and “low church”. Low church denotes a more informal and down to earth structure, and high church denotes a highly ritualistic worship style, with big priests and specific liturgical wording and things like that. So for high church you have Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Methodists have a bit of that as well, and for low church you have Baptists, Pentecostals, that sort of thing. Most churches have a little bit of both. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a lot of both separately, with lay services on Sunday and high church ordinances in the temple.
A friend who I have never met and who does not know I exist writes a substack on his teenage experience dissecting social rituals like talking about the weather, flowing into an excellent critique of Freud, among other things. It is rather long but well worth reading:
But in the very beginning he says that manners are rituals designed to solve the authenticity problem. I think of it like, rituals are a container you pour yourself into. When you uphold the rituals then it sends signals to both parties and you have an accord, thus rituals are good for starting relationships.
Rituals are also good for maintaining relationships. I am admittedly not the best at this. But things like nightly prayer, eating together as a family, setting aside a night for date night each week, and going to bed together, this sort of thing is proven to correlate with relationship stability and marriage duration. I think playing video games with friends is important too.
I think people are far less themselves than they think they are. They tend to shift and lose sight of themselves and drift when they don’t have anchors, but there is power to be had in rhythms2. When you have rituals, then you know what to expect, and it takes stress off of both parties. You can be healthy without rituals, just like its possible to eat healthy while being vegetarian- but it takes a lot more care to get it right.
Mexican Futurism
Welcome to the future, and we’re all Mexicans. In a totally unexpected international play, Mexico annexed every other country and took us to the stars. Come aboard the Estación Espacial Mexicana (MSS) and look at what we’ve got for you!
Galactic Pesos (worthless)
Alien Mariachi
Tortilla mainframes
Salsa servos
Neo-Verde dancing
Spacewalk tacos (made with real3 space)
played peek a boo with the baby and she just stared screaming. Its just a little too intense for her at this stage I guess
Toddler just yells his name occasionally
ahh church pews, the place where the toddler pursues his lifelong dream of becoming a breakdancer
The toddler saw the refrigerator open and said “oh, the refrigerators open.” and then he said “I will just… Close it!” and then did like a superhero punch to get the fridge closed
We’re trying to potty train him which is not going well. We’ve tried bribing him, we’ve tried disciplining him, and though we have had some success he often throws fits. Well I think I figured out the hack. He loves to climb on things, and treating the world as a jungle gym is basically his prime directive in life. Well, we stopped using the kid potty seat, so suddenly he has to balance on the toilet, and almost overnight he has started jumping onto the toilet on his own. Not that the solution is perfect, but it just goes to show you how solutions need to be individually tailored to the person. So next time you’re fighting with friend or family, consider making them balance on something.
Environmental PSA: It Looks Like Rain
I can feel it in my duckstack
Batten down the hatches is I think a phrase that would describe this situation accurately. The last time it rained we were already battened, but this time we’re batten’t. And if you’re anything like me you’re unbattened as well. So get to battening, there’s a storm coming, and you wouldn’t want a storm to hit you in a state of battening rather than battened. And don’t get me stated on the hatches.
The good news is, rain is very nourishing for plants, ducks, people, houses, and cars, causing all of them to sprout and grow, so as long as you take proper security measures, rain can be great fun for everyone involved. Here’s what we know:
Singing in the rain accelerates the effect
Dancing in the rain will be filmed.
Driving in the rain is fine in a car. It is less fine in a golf course4.
Acid rain doesn’t melt things it just smells bad and isn’t healthy, unless its lava.
Rain means clouds are coming. Batten down the hatches.
We have lost count four or five times so do like, + or - 20
Writing the Duckstack every Tuesday for example, it grounds me. In the air.
Make sure to turn your golf course’s windshield wipers on
Your humor about life and parenthood is delightful!! Well put on Mexico Futurism-- and being "annexed." Loved your perfect visual description about your little ones. Also loved your views on rain and the brewing storm. Amen on that! Thanks for sharing! Great read!
I LOLed at the comment about toddlers achieving their lifelong dream of becoming a breakdancer in church pews.