Do or do not. There is no Duckstack.
Most people are familiar with the Trolley Problem1. Fewer people are familiar with Schrodinger’s Duck. Philosophically2, you have a box, and you don’t know how many ducks are in it. Not without opening the box, you see. Maybe you can get a rough estimate with some ancient Christmas techniques, such as shaking the box and listening for the sound. That would sure make the ducks distressed, better stop that. How many ducks are in the box? You just don’t know. But you can open the box to find out, and you will find that the ducks in the box are all in a neat little stack, after you shook it. Congratulations.
Image transparency
The "alpha male" sleeps around, committing few resources, commits adultery, many small and large defections on the gender binary, he tells you that he is so big he can get away with it.
The alpha female is an executive, a prostitute, so powerful men serve her and lie to her, she leaves anyone she gets, many small and large defections on the gender binary, she tells you that she is so big she can get away with it.
In every case, the charm of power is “getting away with it.” We envy the freedom to break the rules, because many rules truly are unjust. In truth, it always comes at a cost- many of these people are not powerful within society, and instead ride the outside and underside of society, which is the true reason the rules don't bite them. Their power is the power of a basement marijuana user, but social media allows them to present differently. If you see someone selling something, its safe to assume they’re selling something.
My friend Garfieldbot wrote an article once about road rage. The gist is that when you read something online, if you’re not careful, you don’t experience it like a billboard on the street that you can ignore or don’t care about- you experience it as someone coming directly into your living room and saying it to you. If its something unpleasant then its experienced not just as unpleasant but hostile. So you’ve got at least a double warping going on- The crafting that goes into a post, and then your own interpretation of it.
I have known more than a few women read what are called “manosphere” posts by people with the Andrew Tate archetype. If you’ve never seen those before there’s a lot of talk about flashing cash and having women fawn over you, sometimes drugs, a lot of “you can be confident like me” type of rhetoric. A lot of times it turns out the women the guy landed were in reality prostitutes he paid to show up in the ad. The whole thing is a lie- but to whom? Its entirely possible the guy thinks paying for prostitutes is romance. “this is just the normal way to get women”.
So women see these accounts, they say “wow, look how manipulative and trashy men are, look how much they want to oppress us.” But its like, no, they’re not talking to you. These are salesmen and what they’re selling isn’t women3, but the prospect that if a man follows them and buys their stuff, he will be able to “let his hair down”, the prospect of women being charmed by him innately. Of being able to get away with things. A lot of people think that if they’re getting away with something, then its moral.

Promiscuity, in particular, is highly dangerous for women and men, though in different ways. But you can trace most of society’s neuroticisms to exactly this conditioning. A study was being passed around this week (which I don’t even know if it was legit) saying ugly men and highly attractive men tend to be the most hostile towards women, and a friend asked me what’s up with that. I think ugly men being mad is straightforward, and I think attractive men are learning a lot about very bad women.
Contra red-pill advice, there’s not some silver bullet to make any woman sleep with you. Pick up artists make up for this by volume. If you deliver the same pick up line to 100 women, eventually you are going to find one it works with- and then since you’re getting “a lot of girls” you think you’re an ultimate charmer. This leads men to overestimate their skillset and also be extremely disappointed in women, since having sex is in fact a highly emotionally charged thing for a man. He can’t believe what women are really like. And its like, no, the women you get with are like that. A lot of these guys start preaching that promiscuity is good as a coping mechanism to compensate for their inability to keep a girl around longer than a month. The techniques highly promiscuous men develop to seduce women simply aren’t compatible with the virtues necessary to found a long term relationship.
This effect of promiscuity on men (and I’m only examining one of the negative effects here, there are many more) tends to compound, simply because sex is a prime directive for men. He is going to start to naturally only notice the sort of girl who will fall for his lines, and his psyche will be geared this way to such an extent that he will stop being attracted to or even noticing virtue in women. He develops a literal blindspot to virtue, because women he doesn’t have a chance at sleeping with might as well not be there. He sets himself on a track for a lifetime of failed relationships, a very difficult hole to dig out of. Everyone knows women who can’t seem to stop dating douchebags, no matter how much she complains. This is the male version of that.
Promiscuity has a more obvious effect on women- the more promiscuous they are, the more neurotic they become. And sometimes you hear stories about women “getting away with it” since guys will still date them. Well, obviously guys will still date them- but do the marriages last? They do not. Christianity says nobody gets away with anything- The bill comes due. The Christian concept of sin itself is a warning against usury4.
When women sleep around, their pair bonding receptors go “I am having sex but failing to secure a guy. What is supposed to be the most life stabilizing thing is unreliable. I am in danger.” So they vote liberal out of raw self preservation. This mindset becomes entrenched in these women, so much so that even if they do marry, they continue to act out in ways that eventually destroy the marriage, because they feel they have to protect themselves. More promiscuity doesn’t fix this, sex with an “alpha male” doesn’t fix this, having kids doesn’t fix this. You can’t practice commitment by not committing. If you want to decrease someone’s neuroticism (male or female) you have to actually stabilize their life. You can’t win this sort of thing on half measures. You have to actually be virtuous yourself.
You can see how these problems echo through the fabric of our society. Many people have come up with many very innovative band-aids, because they want to stop the societal bleeding, but they aren’t willing to take their own hand out of the cookie jar. The only way to raise commitment is by raising commitment, which means if we’re going to reverse this course we are going to, as a society, take on things that hurt and that we don’t like. I am not sure our society is capable of this- but you are, individually. If you aren’t stealing little bites of modernity for yourself, then you will be able to truly help others.
Sit down and fish for a while
Need to relax?
My wife isn’t much for binge-watching TV but this week I introduced her to my favorite Romance anime, “Villainess Level 99: I May Be The Hidden Boss But I’m Not The Demon Lord”, and we finished the whole thing in like 3 days
The toddler climbed on my wife while she was in the bathroom. She politely asked him for some privacy. He said “You need to get your own privacy” That would do it, I suppose.
I have a little tin decoration set of a Mariachi band the toddler was playing with. I told him, “Its a Mariachi band.” He told me, “No, they're Mexi-ic-an people.”
I was trying to make cookies, carefully counting out seven scoops of flour, whilst the toddler tried his hardest (effortlessly) to make me lose count. He almost got me when he made me laugh at five scoops with“You’re counting! Good job!”
Took the toddler in for a sleep study where they basically stick nodes all over him to monitor how he sleeps vs a baseline since he’s pretty fitful, among other reasons. He thought it was pretty fun until they started taping things down, at which point he got very distressed and started crying “I don’t want to be a mummy!”, he has a very strong sense of identity.
Light bulbs: What are they planning
Nothing lurks quite light light bulbs
Many of you have noticed light bulbs around, popping up here and there, always just above eyesight. They’re pretty noticeable though, if we’re being honest. Not the best at hiding IMO. But that’s the situation. Lots of light bulbs, everywhere, by all appearances just watching. What’s up5 with that?
The first possibility is that they watch us to become like us. Soon, they will evolve so as to be indistinguishable from mankind, other than that they glow a lot and hang by their heads everywhere. This is more likely than you think6.
The second possibility is that the brightness is a diversion. True lightbulbs are whisplike spider creatures, brushing along floors underfoot, hanging their bulbs above us like angler fish. While we are distracted by the pleasant glow and the fact that we can see indoors, they craft various machinations deep underground, scurrying upon the surface, advancing their projects towards some unknown purpose.
We must figure this out. The fate of humanity depends on it.
What do you think?
Though I wouldn’t say they’re experts
Not literally or metaphorically. I think it just means “imaginarily”
uhhh, usually
Among other things
No pun intended. But its intended now.
Assuming you think the probability is negative, it is actually zero, which is a huge increase. If you said “that’s ridiculous” at any point? That’s how they get you. Negative probabilities.