Surface to Air Duckstacks

In my mental power fantasies, people sometimes ask me if AI is “alive”. They come to me like Plato in the town square, eager to be dazzled by my sophistic wit and clever turns of phrase. And I say: computers are ones and zeros, how can they be alive? Math is just abstraction. The people oooh and ahhh. They are dazzled. But then an interlocutor1 steps up. Good sir, he begins. The ones and zeroes are representational electricity states. The very same electricity which is known2 to work in the human brain. So how can you say they are so different?
“Uhh. Uhhhhh” I sputter. Because computers aren’t made of meat!
Meat is no special thing. My bitter enemy comments blandly. I eat meat all the time, and it is assuredly not alive, it is dead. Therefore we can infer that Mere biology cannot be the root of being.
The crowd is breathless. They are dazzled by the wit of not me, but the lord of all darkness. “yeah well, “ I say, “The computer is just pretending.” Then I ran home crying, having been soundly defeated in the marketplace of ideas, and the son of Satan walking away with all my groupies. Then, I sit down, and I go to gripe about it in The Duckstack.
Toxic Masculinity
My masculine miasma permeates the air3
I do not talk about men’s vices all that often, mostly because I feel like they’re obvious and there’s sort of a societal consensus that seducing women with no intention of marrying them Is Bad. Same for like, anger issues, violence, pr0nography, being a deadbeat, or being overly possessive or territorial. These things aren’t really what feminists call “toxic masculinity” but men and women alike find most of these behaviors off-putting45.
My personal sexism against men adds “bad at self awareness”, “lazy”, and “prone to delusional ideation”6. Among others.
As a guy, I am somewhat more tolerant of many male vices than I would be of common female vices, because I’m more confident in my ability to deal with someone displaying them. Off the cuff my body is equipped to handle a guy devolving to violence in a way that a woman’s isn’t. The opposite for women and like, I don’t know, reputational attacks or something. But its still important for men to know where their vices are, because men are generally speaking not very self aware.
Now, all young men think they are highly self aware, and that’s because they are. In a certain way. Men are very good at knowing their tastes, interests, things like that, but I have observed men tend to be very bad at understanding and articulating needs. Its specifically impressive when I see a guy self regulate himself like “I am just throwing a tantrum because I had my feelings hurt” or something, very basic categorization like that is really rare, and its not just because guys don’t want to show weakness- this same thing applies for men identifying their motivations for lots of positive things. In my experience, most guys “don’t really think about it”. So you could say its a skill issue, but that’s common enough for most vices. People just haven’t practiced against their little tendencies7. They get something from those little tendencies, so it is understandable, though evil8.
“For example: most men have inner conflicts of values; these conflicts, in most lives, take the form of small irrationalities, petty inconsistencies, mean little evasions, shabby little acts of cowardice, with no crucial moments of choice, no vital issues or great, decisive battles—and they add up to the stagnant, wasted life of a man who has betrayed all his values by the method of a leaking faucet.
-Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto
But men are also prone to laziness, which I believe is man’s most natural vice. This is the reason for the curse in Eden, “for man’s sake” would he have to eat by the sweat of his brow. A curse is kind of like a non-negotiable commandment. I heard a girl talking a while ago about how men just want to “manipulate” women and I was like, “no, men don’t want to manipulate women. That sounds like work.” The benefit of a younger woman is that you don’t have to manipulate her. Manipulate is just a word for persuade. This also plays into men’s preference for chaste women- less baggage means less work. So if men didn’t need to work to eat, would they ever exercise self discipline? I wonder.
But the one that came to me most recently is that men are prone to really having no clue how their ideas will play out. “Delusional ideation”. Most guys have a get-rich-quick scheme for fixing the world. (get rich quick schemes are lazy.) But my observation is that the vast majority of men are totally incapable of predicting what’s involved in their ideal world. Its a very rare guy indeed who is cut out to be a famous general and “make the calls”. In a word men are shortsighted. Part of this is biological, men experience novel stimuli more intensely. So they’re more prone to be taken in by grand plans with big prospects.
My basic premise for this is most men have no experience leading groups of people and are therefore bad at outcome prediction. Its essentially the same phenomenon as “sportsbros”- those whose hobby involves mere consumption without any sort of success/failure feedback loop will quickly lose touch with reality. In fact, most men have no experience even being part of a group of people. Latter-Day Saints have callings that force you to sort of deal or experience people you wouldn’t normally rub shoulders with, but most people rarely ever have reason to interact with people outside of their IQ band. This is another reason that sales, tech support, and similar fields gravitate right wing. The social delusion is most powerful among libertarians, who as my friend Jesse Abraham Lucas put it “Takes liberalism’s ‘everyone’s equal’ and extends it to ‘everyone shares my accumulated knowledge and if they don’t then its obviously malice on their part’”.

And Libertarianism strikes me as a mostly male movement. I have my own criticisms of it, but the pictured tweet showcases this male delusion tendency I’m illustrating. The grand delusion assumes people are on the same page, but most people cannot get other people on the same page as them no matter how much they try, no matter how much you argue, so how are you going to found a cult on top of that? The masses move in a different way than individual swimmers. Male shortsightedness - men don’t know what they don’t know.
Time for your scoliosisoscopy9
S curve, fixed with a simple hammer, get ready for excitement today! Keep an open mind and watch for unexpected opportunities.
Double pipes ||, fixed with your standard fusion cutter, Treat yourself today! Indulge in some self-care and enjoy the finer things in life.
! spine, fixed with a golf club, Your charm is in full force today. Spark interesting conversations and keep an eye out for romance.
I spine: This is the normal spine. Once you reach this spine you can just take it out. Trust your instincts today! Pay attention to your intuition and be open to surprises.
morbid childs
The toddler has discovered “outside” again now that winter is over which is a massive emergency because my pregnant wife cannot actually catch him
For the longest time, I thought it was just Jethro who really liked halloween and spooky things and stuff. When Jethro was like 1 years old his favorite character in finding nemo was the barracuda. His brother was singing this week: “Monkey jumping on the bed, one fell off and… Died.”
Furthermore, my wife was driving him somewhere at night, and he kept chanting “monsters in the dark”. Is this learned behavior? Or is it innate?
We bought some new baby chicks because our silkie chicken has been picked on and lonely for a long time. So we set up the brooder and put the chicks in it in our kitchen and now every time we turn our backs the toddler is INSIDE THE BROODER. TERRORIZING THE BABY CHICKENS. Cackling maniacally. He throws their wood chips at them. He yells at them. These fragile 1 day old creatures are the funnest thing he has experienced in his life to date and his little body can barely contain how much joy he is getting out of terrifying the chickens. One time he was even hiding out of their sight, then popping his head up peek-a-boo style and yelling at them to watch them run away over and over again. The babies used to be pretty tolerant of humans but one day of life here broke them out of that pretty quick.
He does this with the adult chickens too.
To make room for the new chickens I beheaded our rooster. That puts my kill count at 3 and my wife’s kill count at 5.
We went to a store and Jethro was walking and navigated through some furniture and remarked “Lucky me, I can squeeze through the soft chairs!”
That’s just a couple steps short of a terminator
By The State Of California
I will shower soon love I promise
Contrast wth more “toxic masculinity” traits, which only women find offputting, and “toxic effemininity” traits, which only men find offputting
We don’t want that, we want on-putting behavior. We want men and women to feel put-upon.
How much is bobdaduck projecting? You Decide!
To battle, little tendencies! *yap yap yap yap yap*
“I think you're exaggerating.” No. Being a poor communicator is evil.
the realest word in the english language