knowledge is knowing the duckstack is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

You may be crying, sobbing, panicking, yelling— “Where is My Duckstack?” Do not worry. I am doing this as well.
Deja Vu is acidic, Nostalgia is alkaline
I have been rewatching the General Conference of my church (well, God’s church) as part of my goal to review it all at least once before the next time all the apostles speak, which is a big time commitment because there’s 8 hours of material minimum. Well, I got mixed up and watched last years instead, and this “One Percent Better” talk stood out to me. There’s not I want to say a lot new here, but it did stand out to me. It is about holistic improvements which can sometimes yield much better results than targeted struggling, especially in areas of difficulty where focus mostly leads to flailing. Like most eternal principles, this has a lot of applications.
Programming teams used to do “waterfall development”, which meant that they would map everything out then build it then test it then release it, but it has been mostly outcompeted by a new model called “AGILE” which stands for “Always Give Illuminati Less Expenses”. AGILE replaces waterfall’s overdesigning fixation with a new philosophy: Release fast, improve fast, repeat. The idea is the faster you can hit repeat, the more times your monopoly prop passes go, and so far this seems to be true. Faster failure allows for truer course correction.
There may also be some value to the AGILE idea of “minimum viable product” as the bar to sprint to. Big goals are confusing and introduce complexity. Little goals don’t satisfy, but they also have very low costs, so when cost is an issue, you get a lot more value. And it is important to occasionally shift gears like this, because muscle groups are interlinked to each other- no tendon operates in a vacuum, and sometimes when you’re sick, you get “sore all over”, and when you get a good massage, it relaxes you all over, too.
My favorite talk of all time so far has been “That’s How the Light Gets In” which was given in a random fireside at BYU. God probably doesn’t expect us to be perfect, he probably just expects us to make real effort. I think one of the simplest ways to gauge whether your effort is real or not is to measure your consistency1.
One of the things in AGILE is that instead of estimating how long things will take, you estimate how complicated they are. This helps people know when things need to be broken down into smaller tasks, and AGILE comes up with all sorts of contrived ways to keep things and standards “fuzzy” and “non-objective”. The point is to get you to focus on what’s important, and metrics usually aren’t, not in your work, nor in play, nor in honor. I think if God keeps any metrics at all, they will be ones that show your growth towards who God wants you to be, completely unique ones to you. You know what they are. Perhaps you can make a 1% improvement in that area? After writing this, I’m sure going to try some of that2 myself.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
mustard smells horrible
To dirt you will return
emergency dirt run for my wife
emergency dirt pit for my wife
The Littlest One loves water, but is not good at drinking it. Thinks drowning is just the price to pay, you're *supposed* to come up sputtering, it doesn't bother him at all he goes right back
Flooded all of our basements again, just to be safe3
Our chickens, all ten thousand of them, are still alive and fine except for the one which we ate. His name was Tiki masala, I believe. He lived a good chicken life.
Duckstack Cooking: Fruits
In this exciting cooking-horoscope crossover event, we teach you how to make regular, ordinary household fruits! This is important, because we will be cooking with all of these in the future
Apple: One apple
Pear: One pear
Banana: One banana
Apricot: One apricot4
Egg: One egg
Orange: The color orange
Coconut: One coconut
Lime: One lime
Cherry: Two cherries
I think that’s all of them, hope that helps! Remember, these will be on the quiz5.
Probably harder in situations that just aren’t encountered very often which is why improvements in random similar areas is important. I am practicing hitting hot air balloons out of the sky with bowling balls, just in case.
You know. That.
I don’t know what kind of evils are prevented by flooding the basements, but I am Not About To Find Out.
it is a very edible quiz you see