Once a duckstack, always a duckstack

The Duckstack is now a bank. Here is our vault: ☼ It is a very nice vault, don’t you think? Its where we keep our Duckstacks. You might have heard in old times that each Duckstack is worth one U.S. penny. This remains true, as a jobs program, but each Duckstack is also insured by another Duckstack. We call it the fiat standard.
By maintaining this 1:1 Duckstack-to-Duckstack ratio, we reinforce the stability and reliability of our currency. Unlike traditional asset-backed systems, which rely on external commodities such as gold, the Duckstack operates on an entirely self-sufficient model. This means that the value of each Duckstack is derived from the collective trust in the Duckstack system itself, with the assurance that there’s always another Duckstack. The Duckstack is not just resilient, but infinitely scalable- whenever a new Duckstack is printed, the value inflates, but the second another Duckstack is printed, the value stabilizes. Value is anchored in The Duckstack’s recursive fiat structure, meaning you as a reader will never have to worry.
Under Every Green Tree
Talk about missing the forest for the trees
This week at the Democrat National Committee they had a food truck on site to deliver abortions and vasectomies on demand. They also had a giant eighteen foot inflatable IUD. They have recently been mad at Republican vice president nominee JD Vance for saying the Democrat party is “anti-family”. They don’t know where he is getting this stuff.
Abortion is a good example of how “when you legalize something, you shift the culture.” Broadly speaking when you argue with an abortion advocate, most of them are going to talk about aborting literal zygotes- a fertilized egg that hasn’t even rooted in the uterus yet. To hear them talk you would think the majority of abortion clinic visits happen the day after sex. I'm not necessarily convinced zygote abortion is murder but it is pretty clear that its bad because, apparently, you can’t allow it without creating this sort of vasectomy abortion demon feminist culture. Of course the majority of abortions happen far later than the first week or two, and that’s what democrats are trying to legalize anyway, so we might as well talk about it in the state that they’re actually advocating for.
When a nation’s total fertility rate goes down (meaning women are having less kids), the nation usually becomes richer, short term. This is one reason in the Bible for example fertility cults would then sacrifice their children to Moloch, which sounded abhorrent and ridiculous to me as a kid when you just read it in the Bible but at the DNC this week they’ve got a whole shrine to it, you know? But the point is its not really a political issue. Its advocates aren’t really advocating for it on political terms, the talk about rape and nonviable pregnancies is downstream from their strong desire for a certain type of culture. So obviously when you make concessions about cases of rape or incest or the mother’s health they aren’t going to be convinced. That’s not what its about! It always was and always will be about affecting the culture, which is done through laws.
The gay rights movement has a similar story, with an ancestry originating in a push specifically to remove homosexuality as a disorder in the DSM (the manual psychiatrists use to diagnose patients). They wanted to “normalize” homosexual relations, right? The fruits of their effort is that a chunk of your income is allocated through insurance prices to pharmaceutically enable gays to be normal. And this is again why arguments against gay marriage are wholly unconvincing to liberals- “Love is Love”. Its not a statement of fact, its a statement of vision. They don’t care about all that other stuff, they are trying to create a specific type of world.
But the majority of people are not really slogan shouters, they are more slogan consumers. When people hear abortion they think of the poor struggling woman. Nevertheless it is the case that legalizing abortion created a culture not of poor struggling women but women outright worshipping their ability to have abortions. One of the strongest keys to truly understanding democracy is:
You don’t vote for policy. You vote for culture.
Within certain Christian circles, you sometimes hear libertarianism advocated on theological sentiment: God made man free, and if you make something bad illegal, you’re restricting agency. The issue with this sentiment is apparent- agency is a binary state, not a scale, and agency is bounded by culture. Fish in a polluted tank cannot “choose” to breathe clean water. They only choose where to swim in that tank.
This should give hope to everyone. If culture can be polluted, it can be cleaned the same way. Positive, healthy culture can be incubated, and people within that culture will naturally make good choices- no convincing required. That’s what we’re in the business of. Making good culture. That’s what it means to be right wing, to me1.
Carpet: A Review
The pet nobody seems to talk about2
Its easy to see why everyone’s got a carpet lately. Its nice to have somewhere to put your feet, you know? The way a carpet hugs the ground, the look and feel of it, its really easy to appreciate carpets just on an aesthetic level. They’re a little expensive but looking around your neighborhood that doesn’t really seem to be stopping anybody. Carpets bring a measure of comfort to life that really is unraveled by things man in his natural state would have access to. There’s nothing quite like sinking into a brand new carpet, breathing in that “new carpet smell”, and driving into the sunset. I’d give carpets 4 stars, subtracting only one on price.
Hisroty3, my favorite
Celebrating the toddler’s birthday my wife made him a train cake- except she did the trains last, causing many, many tears. Total melt down, really. Because he wanted a train cake. Which she was making.
Told my toddler “I love you.” and he told me “Yes.”
We were driving and started hearing noises from the backseat. When we got out my wife saw the sleeping infant and exclaimed “oh those noises were snores!” and the toddler gestured to himself and told her eagerly “there's no snores on me, mama!”
Put the baby down for tummy time. Used the wrong blanket. Toddler angrily tugging at it, “sister is squishing my blanket!” He uses her full name including the middle name when upset apparently
Me: “High five!” (toddler claps my hand then flops his hand down) “It died.”
The baby: The most abs baby in the world. Sit up champion by 4 months. Crunch the entire world by 3. 6 pack
I gotta go, the toddler has fallen asleep in his pizza.
What does your carpet say about you?
Normal: I don’t know what normal carpet is called, but chances are you have some carpet that I’d call normal. Expect a normal week.
Shag: Kind of an old type of carpet, but pretty reliable. If you prepare for this week, nothing can stop you.
Rug: Rugs are carpets. They tend to be very soft, and our Duckstack Carpetstrologers recommend you be conscious of your own mortality. Not that you’re going to die this week or anything. But you might. Statistically.
Tiled: The kind of stuff you see in offices, you know how it goes like one direction and then another? Beware of indecision this week, trust your gut. Or people will think you’re just a drone.
Astroturf: Astroturf is also carpet. Carpet pretending to be grass is very innovative, you have to admit. Be yourself! Letting your light shine this week will bring good fortune.
Grass: Grass is also carpet4. High maintenance carpet. Make sure to water your carpet this week. Stay hydrated and pace yourself to keep your energy up.
Welcome Mat: Welcome mats are also carpet. Scratchy and abrasive, just like I am going to be if you keep questioning my carpet taxonomy. I’m a total welcome mat. Try saying that to someone this week. You never know what will happen.
That’s what it means to be fascist, to most leftists. That’s fine, I don’t mind that categorization. Call it what you want, its my conscience I answer to. And eventually my God.
“Because they’re not pets!” are you writing this Duckstack or me?
“I think its spelled history” are you writing this Duckstack or me?
“but but” are you writing this Duckstack or me?
Not to be controversial or anything but I can't stand carpet. It's like if dust and other allergens all decided to have their own world fair on my living room floor.